Library Collections
Public libraries are a partnership between Local Government and the Queensland Government through State Library of Queensland.

Available 24/7, library members are able to access an extended selection of titles in eBook, eAudiobook & eMagazine formats through our eLibrary.
You can access these collections by visiting our eLibrary and eKids library pages.
Including books, photographs, documents, maps, oral histories and microfiche/microfilm, our heritage collection contains primary and secondary local and family history resources. Donations of photos, documents and memorabilia are welcome and we offer a number of options to contribute to our region's heritage.
The Innisfail Heritage Collection covers the history of the former Johnstone Shire are and is housed in the Innisfail branch. The Dorothy Jones Local History Collection covers the history of the former Cardwell Shire area and is housed in our Tully Branch.
For more information visit our Heritage Collections page.
Cassowary Coast Libraries offer Book Club sets that can be loaned by your Book Club. All Book Club Sets contain 10 copies of the one title. You can find a complete list of our book club titles here and reserving is easy. Simply select the title and then Place Reservation. Log in, check all details are correct and then select Continue.
Book Club Sets containing 10 copies of the one title can also be sourced from State Library of Queensland subject to availability. All members are eligible for this service and can access the list of titles available.
Current editions of newspapers are available for reading in each of our branches. Titles include: Wet Tropic Times, Cairns Post, Townsville Bulletin, Courier Mail, Koori Mail and The Australian.
Historical issues of local newspapers are housed in our Innisfail and Tully branches and are available for viewing on microfilm. Local newspapers up until the end of 1954 have been digitised through the National Library of Australia and are available on Trove.