The dragon reborn
Jordan, Robert, 1948-20072014
Books, Manuscripts
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The Land is One with the Dragon - and the Dragon is One with the Land. The Shadow lies across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One has turned all his power against the prison that binds him. If it fails he will escape and nothing will stand in the storm that blows the man that was born to battle the darkness: Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn. But to wage his war Rand must find Callandor, ancient Sword of the Dragon ...and the Forsaken will shatter the world to thwart him.
The dragon reborn / Robert Jordan.
Jordan, Robert, 1948-2007, author
Paperback edition.
London Orbit, 2014.©1991.
xi, 656 pages ; 20 cm.
Wheel of time ; 3.
Originally published: New York: Tom Doherty, 1991.